Act I - The Black Saints
Well, you start in Mt. Fuji, walk a little to left and Kiki will give you the Pegasus Cloth.
You can save your game talking to Kiki. Follow the numbers, it will give you and idea where you shal go. Go to 1.
You can talk to Hyoga and Shun to learn a little more about the game, now and walk up to fight against to Black Phoenix Saints. Easy fight, I personally choose Shun because he has the highest defense and no one can hurts him, if you can't hurt your enemy too, you can Burn Cosmo. Now, go to 2.
There is nothing here, you can kick some more Black Phoenix in order to recive 1 XP. If you talk to Shun, it would be the same thing before. Go to 3.
Now head to Black Pegasus Saint and chose Seiya to fight him.
Talk to him and you will recive Athena's Bless (Recover HP and SP). Now just Expand Cosmo until the cosmo of 900 and Pegasus Ryuseiken him.
Shiryu will join your group, but you do not need to worry with him right now, just heal him if you want. Go to 4.
Here you will find Kiki. Save your game and follow to 6. In 6, go to 7. No need to talk to Hyoga, since you have talked to him in the beggining.
It is time to confront Black Cygnus now.
Choose Hyoga and Talk to him twice, now you have the Aurora Thunder Attack! It is time to use it, but first Expand Cosmo like Seiya battle and Aurora Thunder Attack. If he survie, just use one Diamond Dust.
Go back to where you fought against Black Pegasus and go to 5.
Now Shun will fight against Black Andromeda.
Same as Seiya, Talk, recive Attack+2, Expand Cosmo, Nebula Chain. Easy fight.
The most dificult fight is now! Heal Shiryu (if you did not do it before). Start the fight against Black Dragon and Talk to him.
Now pray for the Black Dragon does not use his Special Move, or else you are going to have serious problems! Now Expand Cosmo (like Seiya) and Rozan Shoryuha! If he stands, show him the last power of the Dragon!
After that, just go to 4, save the game. Go to 8 and then 9. Now it is Ikki turn to have his butt kicked!
When you get close to him a cutscene will appear. Now fight him with Hyoga and Shun. Lose those battle to get a better gameplay and follow the Manga story.
You can kill him easily with Hyoga, but won't be fun. After you lose using Hyoga, you will recive the Northen Cross.
Now fight Ikki again (if Hyoga killed him just jump this part), with Seiya. Expand Cosmo, you do not need to talk to him. After the first turn, Seiya and the others are going to say some trhuths to Ikki.
Then Shiryu, Shun and Hyoga are going to boost your cosmo (+400 Cosmo), you will recive Pegasus Lv2 and Cosmo of Friendship. Now Expand Cosmo once more and Pegasus Ryuseiken him untill he is defeated!
Now recive the Phoenix Card and watch the cutscene. End of ACT I!
Get ready to ACT II-The Silver Assasins!